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Dazzler Application - Mage

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 12:02 am
by Broll
Character Name: Dazzler

Character Class and Spec: Mage - Frost

Offspec and relative proficiency: Arcane. My proficiency as a mage is a little on the rusty side currently. But I will pick it up very quickly.

Your timezone: GMT +10. Brisbane.

What rank are you applying for? The raiding rank.

Are you applying for one of our advertised vacancies? (Which one?) . . . No. The recruitment on your website is from August and asks for a Spriest and Warlock. And seeing as I am a mage, it might be difficult to fill those roles. Also Wicked said there was already 2 Priests and 2 Warlocks and no Mages.

Have you discussed your application with anyone in game? Do you already know someone in the guild? Yes. I have talked to Wickedflow (Gorbian, back when I knew him). As mentioned above, we have discussed said application and class.

If applying for a Core rank, can you make our raid nights with 80% attendance? I should have no issue with raiding on weeknights. The last Sunday of each month I may not be able to attend due to other commitments.

Do you have Mumble (voice communication software)? (If not, there's a link on the front page of our website) I do have Mumble and have used it before.

Are you able to, and comfortable with talking over mumble? I am yes.

Tell us a little about your previous raiding experience. Started raiding in BC. Became a bit more serious at the end of Wrath. Became a raid leader during Firelands and continued until Highmaul in Warlords. We focused mainly on Normal mode, but pushed seriously in SoO and made it to rank 22 on the realm. Not quiet as good as you guys though, congratulations on third. I took a break after the release of Hellfire and have only just come back.

Why did you leave your previous guild? Transferred from Horde. Sadly couldn't keep my guild, apparently they don't work cross faction yet. . .

Why do you want to join <Fidelity>? Wickedfoe talked me into it.

What can you offer <Fidelity>? a player who is quick to learn, wants to progress and always strive for the best. Oh and a ton of silly and corny jokes. How does a druid cut his hair? Eclipse it.

What do you think <Fidelity> can offer you? A nice, low drama guild with a good raiding experience.

Re: Dazzler Application - Mage

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 1:44 pm
by Jondayla
Thanks for your application, Broll. Someone will catch up for a chat in game soon. Even though you're a mage :P

(In fact, we would quite like a mage, but we can't actually SAY so, because we have a reputation to uphold) ;)

Re: Dazzler Application - Mage

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 6:47 am
by xeii

Re: Dazzler Application - Mage

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 1:51 am
by xeii